The Best Cardio For Fat Loss

Even if you're new to the fat loss world, you likely already know that cardio training is a key component for most people.

While it's not going to be quite as important as a proper fat loss program, it still is going to rank up there as one of the elements that will make your fat loss program successful.

The objective of cardio should not be to simple burn calories so you can eat more though - that's a bad habit to get into and one which could leave you doing hours upon hours of cardio daily (which only stalls progress), but rather, the cardio you do should serve to boost your metabolic rate so you're burning more calories all day long.

What sounds better to you?

-one cardio session that burns 300 calories, while you burn a total of 1200 for the rest of the day (for a 1500 calorie burn total for the day)


-a cardio session that burns 200 calories, but causes you to burn 1500 hundred for the rest of the day (for a total of a 1700 calorie burn)

While you may not think that 200 calorie difference is much, over the span of a month, it equates to a total of two pounds of pure fat off your body!

Think about it - it makes a difference!

Sometimes it's beneficial to perform shorter cardio sessions if they will burn more calories over time.

This is exactly what interval training does.

Interval training is a type of fat loss cardio where you will go hard for a period of thirty seconds to a minute, and then rest for another thirty seconds to two minutes.

This interval process will then be repeated for a total of eight to twelve times in a single session, leaving you with a cardio workout that lasts about twenty to thirty minutes.

Note though that these intervals are supposed to be tough.

If you are not breathing hard for air after they are completed, you are not working hard enough. It's really as simple as that.

This interval fat loss workout is much more preferable over doing a cardio session at a steady pace for a longer period of time (forty-five to sixty minutes) because it will boost the metabolic rate due to its intensity.

Do keep in mind though that due to the intense nature of this session, you should be doing no more than three a week - two if you're also weight training three to four days a week as well.

But trust me, you won't need any more than that to get the results you're looking for.

So, be sure you consider changing up your cardio routine and doing some interval training. It really will make a difference.

For more workout information that incorporates interval style training and body weight exercises, have a look through featured 'Men's Health' trainer, Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training Program.

====> Click http://www.cheatweightloss.comhere for Turbulence Training

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