How Much Water Do You Need For Fast Fat Loss?

You hear it time and time again - if you want to speed up your rate of fat loss, drink more water.

Water, water, water - we all get sick of it after so long. If you're consistantly drinking 8 or more glasses a day - likely more if you exercise rigorously, you're going to tire of it.

Not to mention that you might as well just set up shop in the bathroom (or invest in a porta potty) since you're in there so much.

But, is it all really necessary?

Why Drinking Water Is Important

The first thing to realize is that water will help with the weight loss process.


Because when you are dehydrated, it's very easy to mistake this for hunger and eat instead.

As you likely already know, fat loss does come down to total calorie intake, therefore the more food you eat, the more you'll struggle with your weight loss results.

Secondly, water will help to clean out the body of any toxins present, therefore helping you feel and function better.

Since when you are on a fat loss diet you are already going to be running off less fuel which tends to decrease your feelings of energy, water becomes even more important.

The Left Out Factor

What is often left out though among dieters who are attempting to get more water in is the fact that this water can come from a variety of sources - not just the clear stuff itself.

For example, that bowl of melon you had for lunch - it counts.

The tea you drank during your mid-morning break - counts as well.

Even the soup you had before dinner will count, provided it was a clear broth based soup.

Even coffee can count to an extent - because in all reality often the incoming fluid will overcompensate for the fluid moved out of the body due to caffeine.

Just don't overdo it on that.

So, next time you're wondering how much water is really necessary, keep these points in mind.

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