Weights or Cardio For Fat Loss Workouts?

One of the key things that you must do when you make weight loss a goal of yours is put together a good fat loss workout that will deliver the results you're looking for.

Far too many people get mixed up when coming up with fat loss workouts, and thus, only derail the progress they should be making.

One of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to fat loss workouts is that you should be performing more and more cardio training in order to burn more calories each day.

While it's true - cardio can be a fantastic calorie burner, what's also true is that cardio won't burn a lot of calories after the session is done.

So, you'll burn a good 300-600 calories during the session (depending on the type and how long you go), but after that, you might as well kiss your calorie burning potential good bye.

Weight training, on the other hand, will help to stimulate more muscle fibers and cause more damage.

When the body then repairs this damage, it will burn a considerable amount of calories doing so, thus your metabolism stays elevated for hours to come while you're out of the gym.

Essentially, with a good weight training workout, you'll be burning calories for hours after you're finished - try and match that with cardio.

Since there are 24 hours in a day, the more you can increase the amount of calories you burn over these hours, the better off you're going to be.

So, next time you're putting together a fat loss workout, choose weight lifting over cardio.

Some cardio is likely going to be there, but it should not be the largest component of what you're doing.

For a workout program that delivers results in as little as 10 minutes, have a look at the Morning Routine included in the Cheat Weight Loss Program.

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