Fat Loss Q & A - How Much Cardio is Necessary for Weight Loss?

Q: I've already experienced some great results from my weight loss program, but over the last couple of weeks, I've seen a hard plateau.

I'm not sure why this would be happening though. I've started to think that maybe I should add more cardio training to help get weight loss moving again.

What are your thoughts on this?

A: First, I'd say to really evaluate your diet. Weight loss is going to be more a function of what you're putting in your mouth rather than what you're doing with your fat loss workouts.

While many people don't want to hear this - because let's face it, we like to eat! - it is reality.

Diet plays a huuuuge role in fat loss - double emphasis on 'huge'.

It cannot be stressed enough.

While some good cardo will help you see results, adding too much and your metabolism will start to show strong signs of slow-down, actually making fat loss a great deal harder.

So, while yes, you can add some more cardio, I'd do so with caution. A better place to look would be your diet.

It is very possible to lose weight with a good diet program and weight training workout set-up, proving that cardio isn't actually necessary at all (strictly speaking in terms of fat loss).

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